All prices listed on the site are in USD (United States Dollars).
We strive to ship orders as quickly as possible. Please allow 4-7 days for production time before your order is shipped out. On average, shipping times range from 7-14 days. Please note that tracking numbers will be updated within 3-5 days after your order has been shipped. If you have not received a tracking number after 7 business days, please email us atlogisticsunlimited01@yahoo.com.
We offer a 100% money-back guarantee for defective or damaged products. You have 30 days to return the item to us for a full refund. Please note that you are responsible for the shipping cost of returning the product. Once we receive the returned item, we will refund the full amount of your original purchase. Make sure to include your name and order number on the returned parcel. If your package is already en route, you must wait for it to arrive and return it before receiving a refund.
Yes, you can cancel your order without any penalty as long as it has not been shipped. If the item has already been sent, please use our easy return system to initiate a full refund.
If you have mistakenly provided an incorrect address, please reply to your order confirmation email to confirm the error. Once you have verified the incorrect address, kindly notify us via email at logisticsunlimited01@yahoo.com. If the address is incorrect, we can update it to the correct one within 24 hours. Please note that no refund will be given after the 24-hour window of submitting the incorrect address.
Shipping times may vary, as we ship worldwide from different fulfillment centers based on your location. On average, the shipping time is estimated to be 7-14 business days.
No problem! We are here to help. Please reach out to us via email at logisticsunlimited01@yahoo.com, and we will gladly assist you in any way we can. However, please understand that we receive a high volume of emails. To ensure a prompt response, please remember to include your order number and clearly explain the issue. Thank you.